The Senate recently subpoenaed the Vice President's office for documentation concerning
warrant less eavesdropping and other such 4
th Amendment concerns. Wouldn't it be funny, and he's Republican so he might be able to get away with it, if Cheney told them that the documentation they require would be a serious breach of security and the information contained therein, if released, would threaten United States security ? I wouldn't stop laughing til next week. Almost as funny would be Dick telling them to kiss his ass, that they might not want to press this issue as he might have to leak some of the black
laundry those same Senators hold in the closet. Either way, the citizen who is not wrapped up in fear of the government should find the next events concerning this issue quite amusing.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/eavesdropping_subpoenas;_ylt=AroqJctkT9RHrokuZyR6Stqs0NUEWWE Wrestler Chris Benoit kills his family then hangs himself. His young son was mentally handicapped due to a genetic defect (yeah, his father) and for years his wife reported cruel treatment. Speculations over the steroids found in the home may hold the answer.

Well shit fire and save the matches folks, '
roids have brought better men down but there are officials denying they played a part here. Those same officials are, for the record, on my stupid people I don't want to meet list. As a cop, Domestic Violence is the bane of my existence but her applying for a divorce in 2003 lets me know she chose to stay. My sympathy lies with the child. My blame lies with the wife. CODA, Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse is a powerful organization that helps many abused SPOUSES (yes, men get beaten too) each year. They have finances on a limited basis, legal counsel on a wide scale and political clout the
WWE never dreamed of. I'm sure there is a chapter or an organization like it in Georgia. If she wanted out she could have gotten out. My ignorant guess is that she was scared of him and losing the money. Oh, and brothers, don't tell me you had no idea there was trouble in the home. We both know different. The child is dead now. Live with that.
http://www.codabft.com/A man in NY huffs keyboard cleaner
and then wrecks his car, injuring people and killing a 17 year old. Now NY has a problem because their DWI law doesn't cover huffing aerosol ? Now folks, I like you Yankee types and unlike other Southern folk I welcome y'all as visitors. But seriously, where is the question here ? Were I to take this to a South Carolina court the same issue would come up, yes, but then the Circuit Court Judge would whip out a pen and the trial would continue. By the time
dipshit got his appeal together the State Attorney General would have worked the Senate into adding whatever legal terminology was needed and the
dumbass would fry. I think the State of NY needs to take a Common Sense pill on this one.
Oh, and Ann, its the difference between leaders, and those who sit on the side-lines taking pot shots. I'm not an Edwards fan, or even close to a Democrat, but you need to shut up before you lose what little credibility you have. What were your qualifications again ?